About us
“Jewels International” is a Charitable Organization registered under the Society Registration Act of 1860, Govt. of India, and is located at Bhubaneswar, Capital of Odisha. The Organization consists of a General Body and an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is elected by the General Body every three years, and responsible for the day to day management of the Organization.
Odisha is one of the Federal States of India which lies in the eastern cost touching Bay of Bengal. India is the Sovereign Democratic Republic with 35 Federal States and Union Territories. As per the census 2011, it has a population of 1210 Million. The State of Odisha is divided into 30 Districts. The population of the State is 41,947,358 as per 2011 Census. 83.32% of the population live in the Rural Area, whereas, 16.68% of the population live in the Urban area. Principal language of the State is Odia. 17.13% of the population belong to Scheduled Castes and 22.85% of the population belong to Scheduled Tribes (Socially, Culturally and Economically Poor and provided with special facilities by the Government). 32.59% of the population is below poverty line (2013 estimate by the Reserve Bank of India).
Brief History of the Organization :
The organization named as “Jewels International” was established at Bhubaneswar in the year 1977 to perform Social Service, Mass Education, and Public Vigilance Programmes. It was registered under the Societies Registration Act. No. XXI of 1860, by the Registrar of Societies, Odisha, Cuttack, on 27th July, 1977.
In the year 1985, the Organization decided to work for the Education and Rehabilitation of Children with Intellectual Disability. On 18th August, 1985, it started a Centre for identification of Children with Intellectual Disability at the Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar, which was inaugurated by Sri Batakrushna Jena, the then Minister for Urban Development, Govt. of Odisha. A Special School for the Children with Intellectual Disability was established with the name ‘Chetana Institute for the Mentally Handicapped’ (CIMH) on Monday, 23rd June, 1986, at Bhubaneswar. After promulgation of the RPWD Act, 2016, the name of the Institute has been changed to ‘Chetana Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disability’. Chetana Institute is one of the Model Special Schools and Vocational Training Centre for Persons with Intellectual Disability in India.
The organization started Training of Teachers for the Persons with Intellectual Disability at Diploma level, from the year 1989 with support from the National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disability, Secunderabad, and the then CD & RR Department, Govt. of Odisha. The Human Resource Development Programme of the Organisation is conducted under a new Institution called “Jewels International Chetana College of Special Education”. At present, the College conducts Diploma, B. Ed, and M. Ed. in Special Education (Intellectual Disability), and Master of Arts in Applied Psychology with Specialization in Clinical and Counseling Psychology. The Organization has started D.Ed. Special Education (MR) course at Domapada, Banki, from the year 2018-19. The College also conducts a number of distant mode courses like B.A. and M.A. in Psychology and Social Work in collaboration the IGNOU, New Delhi.
It has conducted one Lifeline Express Health Camp for surgical treatment of Cataract, Deafness, and Polio victims at Kesinga Railway Station of Kalahandi District, Odisha, in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi, and Impact India Foundation, Mumbai, in the year 1993-94. It has conducted an Early Intervention Programme in collaboration with the National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disability, Secunderabad, and Mental Health Programme in collaboration with the Basic Needs India, Bangalore.
The organization has conducted Home-Based Rehabilitation Programme for Persons with Disabilities in 22 Community Development Blocks of the State of Odisha, in two phases, that is, from 1999 to 2002 and 2005 to 2008, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Government of Germany, and Lebenshilfe. The Organization has also conducted a large number of Orientation and Training Programme on Disability for the Parents, Family Members, Community Level Volunteers, Medical Officers, and Government Functionaries.
Presently, the Organization has two Branches. One of the Branches is located at Balakati of Khurda District, which provides special education and vocational training to persons with intellectual disability. The other branch is located at Domapada Block of Cuttack District. This Branch has a facility for Agriculture based Rehabilitation for Adults with Intellectual Disability. This Branch is also extending Non-Residential Services to persons with Intellectual disability in Domapada and Banki Blocks of the Cuttack District, in collaboration with the Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Department, Govt. of Odisha.
Legal Status :
Jewels International is registered under:
- Society Registration Act No. XXI of 1860,
Registration No. 23167/36 of 2010-11, issued against No. 11634/480 of 1977-78. - Section 12-A of Income Tax Act. 1961
Registration No. Adm. (GL) 27/12-A/85-86 - U/s.80G (5) (vi) of Income Tax Act. 1961,
Registration No. ITO(Tech.)/ 80G-93/ 05-06/2006-07/1781, dated 12th July 2006. - Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. 1976
Registration No. 105020046 of 1987 - Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016
Registration No. 18/Women & Child Development Department, Govt. of Odisha, 2004 - National Trust Act., 1999
Registration No. 1812/CP-MR/2002 - Certificate of Importer – Exporter Code (IEC)
2301000389/2001 - District Industries Registration No. 1917 / 05/04/2003
Objectives :
- To promote the establishment of Institutions for the Education, Vocational Training and Rehabilitation of persons with Intellectual Disability and other categories of Disability.
- To run various University level Courses in collaboration with Indian and Foreign Universities.
- To establish Centers for Psychological and Educational Services.
- To promote Research on Intellectual Disability and Allied subjects.
- To publish books, Journals, and Literature in English, and Regional language (Odia) on Disability, for the consumption of Professionals, Parents, Persons with Disability, and the Public
- To establish collaboration with other Voluntary, Government, and Semi-Government Organizations working in the field of Disability, Education and Health in India and Foreign Countries.
- To conduct National and International Trade with the objective to support Service Programmes for the Persons with Disability.
- To conduct developmental programmes for the all-round development of Rural, Tribal and Slum Population; Women and Children.
- To conduct Health Programmes for the persons with and without disability in the State of Odisha.
Area of Operation & Foreign Linkage :
The organization is providing service to persons with all types of disabilities with a focus on the Intellectual disability in the State of Odisha, India. It has developed a collaboration with a Non-Govt. organization in Germany called Chetana e. V., with a view to supporting service programmes for the Education, Vocational Training, and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.