Research and Publications of Jewels International Chetana College of Special Education
- Banik, A. & Mishra, D. P. (1997). Development of Articulation Among Mentally Retarded Children. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 2(1&2), 5-9.
- Banik, A., Mohanty, S. & Kumar, R. (1996). Speech Problems Among Mentally Retarded. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1), 27-32.
- Baroun, K.A., Sethi, M. & Sen, A.K. (1997). Relation Between Inspection Time and Intelligence in the Mentally Retarded: An Experimental Study. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 2(1&2), 14-17.
- Behera, P., Kumar, A. & Nizamie, A. (2002). Behavioural Intervention of an Autistic Child- A Case Report. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3(1&2), 32-35.
- Bhatiya, R., Singh, A.R. & Konar, D. (1996). Semantic Connotation in Chronic Schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 16-18.
- Das, P.K., Ray, T.P. & Kumar, R. (1996). Prevalence of Schneider’s First Rank Symptoms in Schizophrenics. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 19-21.
- Das, S. (2002). Pain & Psychiatry. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3(1&2), 16-24.
- Jagadisha, Kar, N., Mehrothra, S., Muttineni, K. & Khatavkar,P.P. (2002). A Case of Hyperkinetic Disorder Treated with Methylphenidate and Behavioural Management. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3(1&2), 43-45.
- Kar, L. (2018). Occupational Stress Among Nurses of Laxmi Hospital, Jaipur Road on the Quality of Life. Edu World, 14(1), 285-294.
- Kar, N., Das, I., Mishra, B. & Sengupta, J. (2002). Psychiatric Morbidity After Floods. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3(1&2),03-07.
- Kar, N., Das, I.B., Pany, M., Sengupta, J., Mishra, B. & Kar, G.C. (1996). Autistic Behaviour of Mentally Retarded Children with Physical Morbidity. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 3-7.
- Kar, N., Khanna, R. & Das, I. (1996). Dual Diagnosis of Children with Mental Retardation. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1), 03-07.
- Krishnaveni, B. & P, Pavitra. (1997). Perceptions of General and Special School Teachers Towards Physical Disability. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 2(1&2), 22-26.
- Kumar, R. & Mohanty, S. (1996). Milestones of Development. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1),
- Kumar, R., Muduli, K. & Ray, T.P. (1996). Aggression in an Adolescent Girl with Mental Retardation: A case report. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 46-48.
- Kumar, R., Nanda, S. & Ray, T.P. (1996). Rate of Mental Retardation as A Function of Birth Order and Maternal Age. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1), 15-17.
- Mahapatra, B. (2015). Effects of Multi-Sensory Approach on Learning to Read Words Among the Children with Mild Intellectual Disability at Primary Level. ANWESHAN Journal of Education, V (1), 28-34.
- Mahapatra, B. (2016). Inclusion of Students with Intellectual Disability at Elementary Schools: Policy Developments and Activities Undertaken. PRANGNYA Journal of Social Sciences, 7(2), 58-68.
- Mahapatra, B. (2018). Effect of Error Analysis and Error Correction in the Development of Writing Skills Among the Students with Mild Intellectual Disability. EDU WORLD, XIV (1), 253-273.
- Mahapatra, Jyoti. (1996). Psychiatric Emergencies in Mentally Retarded. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1), 37-38.
- Mishra, B.N. & Mohapatra, P.K. (2002). Physical Disability presented with Double Depression-A Case Report. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3(1&2), 30-31.
- Mishra, R.C. & Vajpayee, A. (1996). Mental Health Problems of Women in a Culturally Changing Community. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 8-15.
- Mishra, S. & Pandey, M.K. (1996). Personality Dimensions and Conditionability of Convicted Prisoners. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 25-29.
- Mohapatra, B. B, Guru, N, Panda, G & M, Sujatha. (2020). Educational Philosophy. New Delhi-Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publications, PP – 168.
- Mohapatra, B. B, Learners Need and Problems. Proceedings of Regional Seminar on Quality Issues in Open and Distance Education. IGNOU Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar, 07th& 08th November, 2010, p 67.
- Mohapatra, B. B. (2008). Impact of Spiritual Education on the Disabled Students. In Quality Elementary Education: Researches & Issues (Ed.). Mahamaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Mohapatra, B. B. (2012). Education and Rehabilitation as Intervention for Persons with Intellectual Disability. Ambikeya Journal of Education, 3(2), 116-123.
- Mohapatra, B. B. (2012). Impact of Education and Rehabilitation Training Programme on Quality Life of Families Having Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Emerging Trends in Social Sciences, 1(2), 68-75.
- Mohapatra, B. B. (2015). Impact of Community Based Rehabilitation Program on Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Intellectual Disability. European Academic Research, 3(9), 107-112.
- Mohapatra, B. B. (2016). Impact of Education and Rehabilitation Training Through CBR for Quality Life of Families having Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Odisha Journal of Social Science, 3(1), 77-86.
- Mohapatra, B. B. (2017). Behavioural Assessment and Skill Training of two Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Odisha Journal of Social Science, 4(2), 45-51.
- Mohapatra, B. B. (2018). Yoga Practice Reduces Depression. EDU WORLD: An International Journal of Education and Humanities, XIV (1), 244-252.
- Mohapatra, B. B. Effects of Intervention Strategies in Removing Dyslexia. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Education of Children with Special Needs: An Aspect of Education for All; Hyderabad, 27th to 29th December, 2006, p175.
- Mohapatra, P. K., Dash, S., Kar, N. M., Sengupta, J., Mishra, B.N. & Kar, G. C. (2002). Psychiatric Morbidity among Street Children. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3(1&2), 08-15.
- Mohapatra, S. (1978). The Effect of Hunger on Exploratory Behaviour in Novel Situation. Indian Journal of Psychology, 53(2), 56-59.
- Mohapatra, S. (2000). Parental Stress Effects on Sex, Size and Maturity at Birth of the Offspring. Perspective in Psychological Researches, 22(23),01-03.
- Mohapatra, S. (2002). Parental Stress Effects on Offspring’s Behaviour. Perspectives in Psychological Researches, 22(23), 06-07.
- Mohapatra, S. (2003). Clomipramine as Adjuvant to Sildenafil in Treatment of Impotency with Premature Ejaculation. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 45, 87.
- Mohapatra, S. (2009). Sex Therapy for Men Without Partners for Treatment of Impotency. 61st Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society,
- Nanda, G.K. (1996). Problem of Physically and Intellectually Disabled Children in Society on Their Education, Training and Rehabilitation. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2),
- Panda, K.C. (1996). A Photo Articulation Test in Oriya. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 36-39.
- Pandey, M.K. & Mishra, S. (1996). Counselling Parents of the Children with Mental Retardation. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2),
- Pati, N. C. & Kumar, R. (1996). Effect of Intellectual Levels and Stimulus Complexity on The Behaviour of Mentally Retarded Persons. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1), 08-14.
- Pati, N. C. (1996). Need for Manpower Development in the Field of Mental Retardation: An Indian Perspective. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 49-52.
- Pati, N. C., Devi, A. & Kumar, R. (1996). Level of Mental Retardation at Chetana Institute for The Mentally Handicapped, Bhubaneswar. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1), 23-26.
- Pati, N. C., Kumar, R. & Mohanty, S. (1996). Task Attention of the Persons with Mental Retardation: Applied Behaviour Analysis in Classroom Setting. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1), 18-22.
- Pati, N.C. & Mohanty, C. (2002). Problem Behaviour Management of a Severely Mentally Retarded Child- A Student of Chetana Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, BBSR. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3(1&2), 46-52.
- Pati, N.C. & Sahoo, S.S. (2002). Behavioural Assessment and Skill Teaching of Two Mentally Retarded Children. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3(1&2), 36-42.
- Pati, N.C. (1997) Prospects of Community Based Rehabilitation Programme for Persons with Mental Handicap in India with Special Reference to Orissa. Behindertenarbeit in Entwicklungslandern, International Seminar, 17-19th November, 1997, Kassel, Germany, Proceeding Published by Lebenshilfe, Marburg, Germany.
- Pati, N.C. (1999) Disability and the Third World: An Indian Perspective. Behinderung und Dritte Welt: 3/1999, 107-113, Lebenshilfe, Marburg, Germany.
- Pati, N.C. (2001) Transition of Persons with Mental Handicap from School to work in India. Behinderung und Dritte Welt, 3/2001, 94-98, Lebenshilfe, Marburg, Germany.
- Pati, N.C. (2002) Behavioural Assessment and Skill Training of two Mentally Retarded Children. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3 (1&2), 36-42.
- Pati, N.C. (2002) Problem Behaviour Management of a Severely Mentally Retarded Child – A Student of Chetana Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Bhubaneswar, Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3 (1&2), 46-52.
- Pati, N.C. (2002). One day in an Integrated School for the Disabled in Germany. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 3(1&2), 25-29.
- Pati, N.C. (2005) Home-based Skill Development in Mentally Retarded Children. Unpublished D. Litt. Dissertation, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India.
- Pati, N.C. (2007) Special Education for People with Disabilities in India. SLD Experience, Summer, 48, 10-15, British Institute of learning Disabilities, London, UK.
- Pati, N.C., Behera, P. & Sahoo, S. (1996). Behaviour Problems of Mentally Handicapped Persons in Special Schools of Orissa. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 40-43
- Pati, N.C., Kar, P., Ray, T.P., & Kumar, R. (1997) Social Development in Persons with Severe Mental Retardation. Journal of Indian Psychiatric Society-Orissa, 6, 27-30.
- Pati, N.C., Kumar, R. & Mohanty, S. (1997) Effects of Token Economy on the Rate of Envelope Making in the Persons with Mental Retardation. Social Science International, 14, 84-97.
- Pati, N.C., Mohanty, S. & Kumar, R. (1993) Rate of Mental Retardation in the identification Camps of the Mentally Retarded Persons. Perspectives in Psychological Researches, 16 (1&2), 07-09.
- Pati, N.C., Paramanik, R. & Kumar, R. (1996) Social Development of Children with Mental Retardation. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1, 22-24.
- Pattnaik, M. (1996). Consanguineous Marriage. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2),
- Prakash, J. & Puspak, S.N. (1997). Role of Psychological Parameters in Visual Detection Task. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 2(1&2), 1-4.
- Prakash, K.S. (1996). Attitude of Mothers of Mentally Retarded Children Towards Certain Aspects of Child-Rearing Practices. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1),
- Rath, N.M., Patnaik, B., Prusty, G. S. & Mishra, K. K. (1997). Observations of Benzodiazapine Dependance. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 2(1/2),
- Ray, T.P. & Kumar, R. (1996). Gilles de La Tourette’s Disorder: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 44-45.
- Ray, T.P. (1996). Nutritional Deficiencies: Their Prevention and Control. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1) 34-36.
- Ray, T.P. (1996). Understanding to Share the Burden. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(1),
- Ray, T.P., Pattnaik, B., Mohanty, M.K. & Kumar R. (1996). Socio-demographic Study of Addicted Persons Reported at a De-addiction Centre. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 1(2), 30-35.
- Sachin, S. (1997). Prevalence of Maladaptive Behaviour at Home and at School. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 2(1&2), 10-13.
- Singh, Kumar Arvind., Rani, Asha. & Singh, Lal Bahadur. (1997). Scale for the Measurement of Internal-External (I-E) Controls in the Unemployed Young Men. Indian Journal of Mental Health and Disabilities, 2(1&2), 18-21.
- Swain, B (2013). Role of Reinforcement on Behaviour Modification of Children with Intellectual Disability, Emerging Trends in Social Sciences, 2(6), 57-68.
- Swain, B (2015). Current Issues in the Quality of the Teacher Education in India, Souvenir: UGC Sponsored National Seminar. I G Women’s College, Cuttack, 56-57.
- Swain, B (2015). Impact of Value Education on Leadership Quality, Souvenir: UGC Sponsored National Seminar, I G Women’s College, Cuttack, 107-108.
- Swain, B (2015). Learning and Decision Making for the Children with Intellectual Disability, Souvenir: UGC Sponsored National Seminar, I G Women’s College, Cuttack,
- Swain, B (2015). Strategies to Change the Sources of Stress, Souvenir: UGC Sponsored National Seminar, I G Women’s College, Cuttack,
- Swain, B (2016). An Evidence of Problem Behaviour Management in Moderate Children with Intellectual Disability, Odisha Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 48-55.
- Swain, B (2017). Problem Behaviour Management of Children with Intellectual Disability – Study of a student in Chetana Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Bhubaneswar. Odisha Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 52-58.
- Swain, B (2018). Caregivers Work Burden Affects the QOL of Schizophrenia. Edu World: International Journal of Education and Management, XIV (1), 274-284.